Grace Church is a neighborhood church that is trying to live out its mission of proclaiming with words and deeds God’s transformative work in people’s lives and in all God’s creation.
We recognize our deep brokenness as a human community and our great need for healing and mercy. We also humbly trust that God’s Grace and love is so abundant and available to everyone that goodness and compassion and hope may still spring forth in the human spirit.
Our church gathers as a faith community to celebrate all that we are and all that we can be as God’s children. On Sundays and other occasions we look forward to hearing God’s word together through the proclamation of the scriptures, the historical witness of the church in its hymnody and creeds and the people’s own gifts and witness. Every time we gather for worship we pray for our needs and those of the world. We also celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion and the sacrament of Holy Baptism. Gathered around Jesus Christ’s living presence we are nurtured with the gifts of faith and love and equipped by God’s Spirit to serve.
As a church that is neighborhood oriented, we strive to be a diverse and inclusive church by meeting people where they are and creating an atmosphere of trust, openness, dignity and respect where everyone can feel safe and accepted regardless of their race, creed, age, socio-economic background, resident status, sexual identity or orientation.
We want to welcome you to worship with us and invite you to be part of a work in progress! If you are new to the neighborhood and are looking for a community where you can express your Christian vocation to its fullest, we invite you to be part of this church ministry. Our pastor and leaders would love to sit down with you so that we may get to know each other.