Grace United Methodist Church accepts tax-deductible donations directly. You may use a credit or debit card to make donations through Paypal.
You can also choose to donate via check, making it payable to Grace United Methodist Church and designating your donation as a memo.
Checks can be mailed to 125 West 104th Street New York, NY 10025.
Step 1- Click the Donate button at the bottom of this page to go to Paypal and fill in your information on the left hand side. You can also sign-in if you already have a Paypal account.
Step 2- Click the Review Donation and Continue button at the bottom of the page. On this page, you will be given a option to add in what ministry or concern your donation should be directed to.
You can also designate your donation if you're signed into your Paypal account.
Thank you for your interest in supporting the work of the Grace United and participating in our ministry.